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Coming SOOOOOON! Ask us any questions to [email protected]

  • Cleanup URL: cleanup all domain URLs, makes them relative to the site it will be restored on.
    • this boosts SEO since most sites are missing that originally
    • makes it compatible with web 2.0 standards
    • can help fix styling and page load issues
    • if the site looks good with the Core Restore, Then This is optional (only helpful for SEO)
  • Append Style: CSS and JS need to be appended across the entire site for some cases that have many versions.
    • fixes most java and css styling issues. 99.5%
    • special styling fixes will be added upon request.
    • if styling and java issues persists. check the restore project parameters. watch a tutorial video. Contact us with Job ID
  • Extract external URLs: if your site has media that was pointed to in the past. for sure it will not show so we need to grab the list of url's to be able to download them later.
  • (optional): force https on all links (not necessary in most cases)
  • If you need to replace text quickly in the restored site
  • Do not use windows ZIP extractor for these files
    • windows zip/archive extractor has a bug and doesn't see all the files
    • instead you need to upload directly to your hosting provider and extract in their platform
    • Windows has an issue seeing files with a ? in them and will not work
  • Where do I host my website with the WBR zip file?
    • The most compatible host provider is DreamHost. Just Upload the zip and uncompress. DONE!

    Service Agreement

    As we are a small company, we are relying on as many backlinks as we can get, by using our service you agree to a small backlink on the restored website's home page for WBR. Please keep this link active for 1 year, removal is a breach of this agreement. This is due to us offering low pricing for our services ATM. If you would like to remove the backlink please send us A small donation of $1 per file of your website.

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